Anne-Marie Derrien Painter

"Born in Brest, daughter and sister of watercolorists, I am however not a journey dictated by my sensitivity but in accordance with parental wishes. You will choose a "serious" profession. At that time we obey! But my passion for painting and creativity in all its forms, long dormant will inevitably wake up and flourish in retirement. Today the knowledge and maturity acquired in Quimper workshops will allow me to express myself in different fields. The engraving initiated by Yves Doaré teaches me the synthesis necessary for the gaze. The color and the material transmitted by Isabelle De Longvilliers and Valérie de Laubrière will give me an indispensable breath. But the meeting with Africa, Asia, and the passion shared with Colette Le Borgne for "the beautiful object" whether it came out of the hands of a resident of the deep jungle or from a Japanese workshop in millennial traditions, will be at the origin of this exhibition. Here my paintings found an echo, an atmosphere suitable for a hanging. They are in their house . As for me, I discover a certain reassured feverishness to see them exposed *, to see them live differently than under my eyes. It is not so simple. But I give all my confidence to Colette who welcomes me on this adventure. Thanks to her. "